Hi, we are Roderick and Marleen. We would love to take you with us on our personal quest. We ask ourselves: “Is a simpler live – off the main track – something for us?”
We have a romantic image of living in a community: closer to nature and each other. Building the house, growing your vegetables and sharing responsibilities with a group of people. And we even think that living in those local communities might be an answer to some of our world problems. Sounds like the holy grail of living… But is that really the case?
Photographer // Socializer // Problemsolver
Writer // Grassroots specialist // Organizer
Trusty companion // Mountain goat
Because of the out of the ordinary appearance of the old army ambulance, we always get a lot of waves and smiles on the road. He got his skills from 15 years of army duty, but thrives on freedom and adventure. He is a real mountain goat: he takes it slowly but steady. And although he isn’t a 4×4: he loves to go off road.
And what about his name? Abi means older brother in Turkish and is used to show respect to people, in an informal way. We love the sound of the word and the way it is used. The perfect name for our trusty travel companion!
Marnix & Nina from Detour for their great help with the design, logo and more..
Daan Huttinga for the professional introduction video.
Tim & Ninka from Tinka Travel Trucks for their help in getting Abi ready for his next world tour.
Liselotte from Wrapalot for turning our bus into the “Circumbendibus”.
And of course our great friends and family for their support.