Tales of the Road – Leaving Hokkaido

by Jul 23, 2019Blogs, Japan, Overland, Stories

Wow, finally a “Tales of the Road” again. We left you in Hokkaido, many things have happened in the meantime, let’s try to catch up. End of March we left the most northern island of Japan. But not before having a last dip in one of the wildest onsen and getting a taste of the Ainu culture: the original inhabitants of Hokkaido. Winter gave us a nice farewell with a fresh dump of snow in Furano, which was good for some powder days on the slopes together with our friends. After all the fun it was even harder to say goodbye to the warm group of people that in the short time we were there already felt like longtime friends.

It was also time to say goodbye to the TV-crew, after 2 months of being “Big in Japan”. It was time to continue our journey through Japan on our own. The show is planned to be aired this August but we will keep you informed!

Arigato gozaimas Hokkaido! Up until now the wild nature and warm people of this island are the highlight of our trip in Japan!

Tales of the Road – not the prettiest photos, mostly just to tell the story of our lives on the road.